Welcome to the Supporting Relationships and Families (SRF) website. SRF, (formerly known as Separation and Reunion Forum), is a membership organisation, dedicated  to raising awareness of the long-lasting traumatic effects on the emotional well-being of young children and families who have experienced broken attachments, separation and loss.


We also aim to highlight the need for sensitive counselling and therapeutic services to break the circle of insecure attachments, and the inter-generational nature of attachment patterns in families.


Phone: 0203 417 6646

Email: serefo.info@gmail.com



Title: Shaping of the Caribbean Personalities

Date:  15 July 2020

Time: 14.00 p.m. - 15.30 p.m.


Workshop: Gangs and Offending Behaviour

 More Info



More Info

Supporting Relationships and Families

Room 003, 250 York Road, London, SW11 3SJ

Charity number: 1132487

Phone: 0203 417 6646

Email: serefo.info@gmail.com